Outdoor Activities With Kids

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Looking for some outdoor activities with kids in Cincinnati? Here are some of my favorites. These adventures will burn energy, make memories and help your family stay busy.


Depending on your child’s ages, hiking might look more like a stroll with lots of stops. šŸ˜‰ So, I like to have ideas of what to do once you find the right hiking spot. Speaking of the right spot, be sure to check out my favorite Cincinnati Hiking Trails with Kids.

The kids love to collect treasures as we hike and keep them in aĀ kids gardening bagĀ or look the part and hide treasures in the pockets of theirĀ hiking vests. But, as my oldest daughter and self-proclaimed nature expert says, nature stays in nature. So after we collect, we return before we leave. No one seems to fight me on this because I tell them BEFORE we collect and they make the connection that nature


Explore nature with various scavenger hunts. We love these:
LIFE AT THE POND SCAVENGER HUNT – good for non-readers
NATURE BINGO CARDS – good for non-readers

Don’t forget to bring a clipboard and pencil.

“Playing together in nature is as much about us as it is about the child. Children get to celebrate and be themselves, while we are reminded of our inner child ā€“ the essence of who we are.”

Nicolette Sowder

Adventure Beyond the Hike

There are plenty of outdoor adventures in Cincinnati worth exploring. Depending on what you’re in the mood for, you can choose your own adventure. My favorite outdoor adventures include:

  • The driving range to hit golf balls with the family.
  • Frisbee golf, also known as disc golf to some, is a great adventure to try as a family. Find a Disc Golf Course in Cincinnati.
  • Putt-putt golf courses at the local parks. They are nothing fancy, but a great way to work on your putting skills for the real course!
  • Fishing with the family is fun for ages 4+. I have found that kids younger than that don’t have much patience for it.
  • Paved trails in Cincinnati
  • Biking trails in Cincinnati

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